Len Aberra - Initiative to Re-Implement Uniform Policy at John Adams Elementary School Increase the number of people who support school uniform by reminding the school, parents and students at John Adams of the many great benefits being a uniform school provided
Layla Al Maksud - Elementary School Nutrition Increase the nutritional value of school lunches and educate children on healthy lifestyles
Mina Aziz - Distributing English Language Brochures Provide brochures to women in to help find English classes close to their home so that they are able to communicate in society, find jobs, and help their kids with their homework
Yelytza Florero - Grabbing A Habit Teach children that Oral Hygiene is a personal responsibility that is going to help them avoid dental issues in their future such as cavities, gum disease, tooth aches, tooth extractions, bad breath, bad nutrition, loss of weight, insecurity, low self-esteem and loss of concentration at school
Cecilia Folwkes - A Later Start is Smart Address the issue of a later school start time in ACPS for the benefit of students
Jenny Giron - Adult English Language Classes in Alexandria Teach adults in Alexandria English so they can be better advocates for themselves and their communities
Jenny Gutierrez - Mother Nature's Nursery Use a research project (Mother Nature’s Nursery) to supplement math instruction for CLTI students, utilizing experimental design principles to promote curiosity, inquiry and investigation
David Hawkins - Reading for the Future: A Challenge for Parents Encourage parents to spend at least 15 minutes a night reading to their children while providing a list resources to find reading material
Deysi Maradiage - What Women Keep Silent Create a place to provide immigrant women with information on how to obtain counseling and orientation for domestic violence
Farzaneh Mirzavand - Fighting for Wisdom Collect information and sources about scholarships and financial assistance that do not require a citizenship status for the applicant
Lila Ojha - Alexandria Parents Expression Forum Help Alexandria's parents engage with their family, especially children, so that they can communicate their values and morals to them
Margarita Vado-Hawkins - A collaborative effort between students and parents and schools Raise parent involvement in their children's education and eventually raise educational achievement for the community
Jean Roger Bion -Alexandria Rainbow Television Youtube channel for reliable news in the City of Alexandria
April Cabral -Let Them Volunteer Child friendly volunteer opportunities for families in Alexandria
Jacenta Collins - GEMS (Girls Empowered to Matriculate Success) Empowering and mentoring middle school girls
Siham Elousouani - FLES Program for All Bringing foreign language education to ACPS elementary schools
Emily Gurdon -Pieces of Hope Care packages for children affected by domestic violence
Elizabeth Hernandez - Improve Dual Language Improve the dual language program at Mt. Vernon Community School
Isabel Hernandez -Parents Without Limits Allow non-citizen parents to volunteer in their children's schools
Angelia Hill - Healthy Kids' Future Today Educate parents on natural alternatives to children's prescription drugs
Kendra Jacobs -Opening the Door to Girl Scouts Forming culturally, ethnically and racially diverse troops in Alexandria
Muna Khairi -Every Child Can Read Collecting and donating books for ELL students
Zohreh Khoshnamak - Making ACPS Artsy! Increase teaching through the arts in ACPS
Olena Lloyd - Weekly Teacher Updates Improve teacher communication to parents about weekly lesson
Anna Karina Marchena -Together we are Strong Host PTA Parent Volunteer Fair at ACPS Open Houses
Asha Mede - Request for Early First Grade Placement Allowing 1st gr. placement for children mastering kindergarten rqmts.
Esteve Mede - No Labels! No Limits! Reforming the ACPS TAG program & enrichment for all students
Victoria Morgan - Begin Your Story at Home Overcoming homelessness and improving shelter living conditions
Yasmeen Neal -Robotics Competition: Design, Build, Compete Providing STEM opportunities for low-income middle school students
Bernardo Ochoa - Cultural Exchange of Traditional Music and Dance Exchange of dances and folkloric music across cultures
Cristina Ochoa - Foster Homes for Hispanic Children Motivate Spanish speaking people to become foster parents
Lath Addie Rasavong - MacArthur's Rising Stars Afterschool Homework Help and Tutoring Program
Latonya Robinson - Money Making Minors Educating children on ways to earn their own money
Maria Salmeron -Latino Parents in Action Helping Latino parents become more involved in ACPS schools
Bernadette Arrington - Bernadette' s Clothes Giveaway Help a deserving family provide children with clothes and better self esteem
Claudine Sangare - Club Sankofa An Informational Network of Concerned Parents, Families & Caregivers of Black Children who attend Alexandria City Public Schools
Gloria Agwaze - Educate and Mentor Our Children: Suspension is NOT the Answer! Transition our children out of suspension and into education and mentoring.
Grace Amesinlola - Construction of Student Bus Stop Shelter in my Neighborhood Advocate for the comfort and health of the school children at the bus stop in my neighborhood.
Harriet Green -Parents Against ETS, SHS & THS “Environmental Tobacco Smoke, Secondhand Smoke & Third-Hand Smoke” Get rental property owners to accommodate families who wish not to expose their young children orthemselves to second & third hand smoke
Jennifer Abbruzzese - Equalizing the ACPS Enrollment Policy for Military Families Changing the regulation so that military families with a child currently enrolled in ACPS can get all of their children into the same school.
Joyce King - Parents' Community Committee for CHANGE Bring families together, especially foreigners, to form a strong community group to support each other
Joyce Rawlings - The School/Community Connection: Are You On Board? Encourage parents to stay informed of community resources and read to their children while waiting for services in business establishments
Maria Flor Cerrato -SPACEFT: Single Parents And Children Homework Education Fun Time Provide an educational homework assistance and learning experience for both the single parent and child
Michael Fuller - THE CITIZEN EXCHANGE SEMINAR Providing an opportunity for Alexandria’s youth and police leadership to exchange critical ideas and serve the community together.
Pamela Fuller - Pre-K Access A Strategic Communications Plan to ensure every child in the City of Alexandria receives the early education they need
Sonnja Brown - ServSafe ServRight Safety and Health Awareness Program To prevent Food Borne Illness in Infants and Young Children!
Victoria Cook - Creative Yogis Seekers Help children and families to get more involved with art and yoga
Mario Ashby - Men Affecting Change Have a larger father/male guardian presence in the schools where black and brown kids
Erika Basto Eyzaguirre - All aboard Jefferson-Houston! Encourage current and incoming families to invest in success at Jefferson-Houston
Tsion Bezu - Bright Choice For Children Enrichment program to develop outstanding homework routines
Jasmine Broadnax – Text Talk Connect parents to educational resources that support strong family involvement
Jason Elder - Alexandria Education Station Provide web and mobile based information on educational opportunities
Mariam Fikre - Campaign to Build Confidence and Foster an Inclusive Environment Help children feel safe and accepted being their authentic self
Amina Garrett –Transforming Our Communities By Raising Responsible Kids Improve the self-esteem and parent involvement to reduce recurring behavioral issues
Yassmina Hassoun - Engage Hire an ACPS parent liaison to provide language translation for families that speak languages other than English and Spanish
Kristina Hogan - Bring Community Into The Classroom Create a stronger social connection and channel information to families through a classroom platform
Jennifer Hoying - I Can Do It Myself Provide a cookbook of healthy options for the kids to snack on when parents are not home
Raena McKinney - Diverse City Kids Celebrate diversity while meeting educational standards
Mabel Nelson - Make Me A Success, Not A Statistic Provide attention and encouragement to eliminate school dropouts and encourage good citizenship
Selena Orona - The Power of 2 Hours Increase parent volunteer hours at Patrick Henry Elementary
Mirian Penayo - Reducing Food Waste In Schools Find a way to share extra food from schools with people in need
Pablo Pineda – Sports Fight Bullying Prevent bullying in schools by combining sport activities with lessons on cooperating and caring
Ursula Pineda - Arte Sin Limites – Arte Sin Barreras Provide arts education without boundaries or barriers
Sabrina Walker – Camp For Enrichment Send four children from the ARHA’s Learning Center to Summer camp
Julia Williams - Parents Get Involved Get parents involved with their children life at school
Roxane Yakoub - What Next? An after action plan for victims of bullying and their families
Salma Ahamed - Low Income Families and Children: Life Changes Help immigrant families understand that language is not an insurmountable challenge to self-improvement by providing resources and neighborhood support groups.
Aklilu Ayalew - Ethiopian Bread Enable kids and parents to make informed purchasing decisions by requiring dating on packages of Ethiopian Bread (Injera). Create an online and community group to advocate with producers to put expiration dates on food packages. Work with Alexandria Health Department and the FDA to the same end.
Adrienne Barr - Parent Fellowship Circles (faith-based) Enable families to support and mentor each other to alleviate stressors that can lead to involvement in the child welfare system. Provide instruction by trained volunteer facilitators according to a model used by SCAN. There will be 3 participating groups- Kinship Care, Healthy Families, and Single Parents.
Sue Bernstein - Integrating Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Communities Through Play This project consists of setting up a series of weekend playdates at the Mt. Vernon Recreation Center for the MVCS Community. The purpose of the playdates is to create informal connections between parents and children from the diverse MVCS community, enhancing the existing dual language program while building a stronger community as MVCS families work together to promote the success of all students and learn from one another.
Carolyn Collins - Parents of At Risk Children (PARC) Educate parents on their rights in making decisions in their child’s education and help them advocate for their children so that they don’t let the school system fail their children and end up feeling that have also failed their children.
Shannon Craft - Dream Catchers Providing a one-day annual summer program in which 7-12 year-old at-risk children will interact with the Washington Wizards Basketball players and know that their DREAMS can come TRUE despite the odds and the pressures of today's society. Players will coach in life skills as well as basketball skills.
Ana Dudamel - Cuidando Nuestra Salud "Muevete" Discovering that no opportunity exists for exercise for the entire family together in the city programs while seeing the need will be filled, this project arranges a program every other Wednesday at the William Ramsay Recreation Center for family exercise and classes in nutrition, including recruitment of volunteers to prepare nutritious snacks for participants.
Eliza Engle - Play, Garden, Grow There has been a disconnect between the food we eat and where it comes from. Developing a garden in the new Jefferson-Houston school will open kids up to how nature works and where food comes from. This will hopefully lead them to make better choices of the foods they eat and will create healthier kids, possibly creating a greater respect for the environment and nature in general.
Robert Gross - The World of Words While focusing on the disproportional placement of minorities in special education, it was discovered that there are beneficial resources that come with such placement. I will become a resource by Participating in the after school program tutoring Special Education children in Patrick Henry who have either emotional or specific learning disabilities.
Tilok Kar - Education for Parents Planning a program for immigrants, including ESL classes, how to provide a learning environment for children, training parents in homework help and understanding of school policies and assessments, including report cards.
Nora Mead - College Pathways
Lakisha Morris - Recharge Your Batteries Provide family recharge sessions where parents and children, principally from low income, single parent households, can be in a stress free environment and recharge themselves. This session would include mini health lessons that would benefit the whole body, including physical and mental health, relaxation, and healthy eating and cooking. Participants would leave the session not only with hands on training but with knowledge of resources to get additional help; such as food banks, mental health, shelter, clothing resources and other similar community resources. Most importantly they will leave knowing that they are not alone and help is available should they need it!
Pamella Newton - Feed the Need Engage Parents in Alexandria on proper and healthier eating habits
Encourage those parents to be nutritional advocates for their children and other parents
To help reduce the obesity statistics within the low income neighborhoods
To provide education to those parents on how nutrition and type 2 diabetes are indelibly linked
To form a new coalition for these communities to foster positive nutrition, self sufficient gardening and financial engagement to empower the parents to make a positive change for their children
Ysrael Palomino - Children play safely in the sun Concern about the dangers to children from exposure to the sun and the concomitant under-use of city parks during the heat of the summer led to a project to shade city parks.
Evelyn Simmons - The ABCs of ANCs Create joint Advisory Neighborhood Commissions to channel parent concerns to schools. By bringing a holistic discussion about education and school improvement, collaboration on education could lead to joint recommendations and a common advocacy agenda which would carry much more weight than single ANCs and lead to faster school improvement.
Sylvia Vaca - Mount Vernon community School Auditorium Large student body has an auditorium with many needs. Plan with Principal to improve the light, the sound system, the electric plugs, microphones, and replace some seats. Bids will be sought and plan to put improvements in place by 2014-2015.
Omelhassan Abdelrhman - Sign Language
Seli Atiase - Special Needs Buddy Volunteers provide respite for a day
Sharon Crenshaw - Knowledge is Power GED and advanced degrees for ARHA residents
LaVon Curtis - BRYCE Highschoolers mentor elementary students
Elke Daniel - Newcomers Guide Publish a guide in print and on website
Evon Dennis - 360 Create whole person & family at Community Centers
Angela Drake - Temperature Rising Provide thermometer to each family
Rihab Elsharif
Stephanie Gilliam - SOS - Sickle Cell Center for you with preexisting illness
Alexandra Guerra - Parents and Children as One Support group for neighboring parents and children
Asmaa Hussen - Community Garden Have children plant outside of school
Fadia Ibrahim - Special Needs Program
Shazia Karim - Influence of Parents on Children's Choice of Books and DVDs Research Project
Fatima Zahra Liichi - Smile and Hope for Orphans Support group for foster children
Maria Martinez - Head Start Bus (Redux) Transporting kids to Jeff Houston Head Start
Eman Mohamed - Arabic Speaking Parent Liaisons at ACPS Arabic translators at ACPS
Nancy Pereda - Padres Latinos en Accion Get Latino parents involved
Hector Reyes - School and PTA Awareness Increase activity of Latino Community
Tasha Robinson - STAT WD Stop Talking And Texting While Driving
Susan Romani - Un Dia de Accion Community volunteer day
Iryna Stone - Explore the World Benefita of education through travel
Kia Terry - TC Little Titan Center Help educate teen mothers
Mirna Diaz - Parents Make the Difference Organizing Latino parents to volunteer for school activites with a view to helping Latino children adjust and learn
Aissatou Dicko - Bienvenue a ACPS French Welcome Manual to ACPS for African immigrants
Soad Elhawawshy - Avoiding Teen Pregnancy Assist with ACAP program
Laila Elhezzat - Tools to Success Help immigrant community mothers adjust to ACPS including English instruction
Katherine Fogden - Native American Youth Council Support group for Native American children and their parents
Sisay Gobeze - Cracking Teen Text Lingo Inform parents of meaning of texting abbreviations with a view to keeping kids safe
Bruce Grimes - TAG ID Early identification of gifted and talented students
Charlene Jeanes - BLUE: Believe Unite Educate Coalition of educators, legislators and community members working to eliminate the achievement gap by training parents to teach children at home
Daniel De & Roxana Lauchu - Diversity and Multicultural Festival Dress, food, and entertainment from Alexandria's many cultures
Leonora Mejia - Let's End Teen Drug Abuse Launch Latino Parent Leadership chat group for Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Alexandria
Hamid Mitchell - Peer Professors Students tutoring students outside of school hours on an ongoing, committed basis
Jeaneth Paredes - Get out of the classroom! Add physical education to the school day
Norman Price - Teens can learn etiquette Teach Untouchable mentees etiquette in life and in job-seeking
Isabel Sacotingo - A small kitting and sewing club Teach Ramsey after-school kids to sew and knit
Mazahir Salih - Buses for Head Start Persuade ACPS to provide Head Start buses
Ajit Singh - Safe and Secure Train middle schoolers in internet safety
Dana Vo - Children's Play Date Provide after school and weekend activities for elementary school students
Aissa Arenas - Building a Better Community: Working together for kids' success
Chyrell Bucksell - Community to Community Education Survey
Marsha Dionne - Alexandria Community Learning Expo
Andrea Fus - Cora Kelly Pupil Transportation Outreach Project
Ramee Gentry - Parent to Parent web-based link for questions and answers
Akberet Habte - Connecting Special Education Program with Parents
Gloria Jacobs - Assist Special Needs Teachers in the Classroom
Karen Jenkins - The Professional African-American Speaker Series (PASS)
Rieko Mitchell - Ramsey Cleans Up- children spend a day building pride in their school community
Jacqueline Mitchell-Hunter - Cub Scouting: a Multi-Cultural outreach plan
Jennifer Murphy - Money Smart for Young Adults: A Financial Literacy Program
Josephine Pombor - Preventing Bullying in Elementary Schools
Crystal Prall - Teen Pregnancy in Alexandria - Helping Emotionally Support Teen Moms
Lisa Robillard - Family Day: A day to eat dinner with your children
Mary Scott - Keep Your Head Up Nurturing Program- involve parents in ARHA Learning Resource Center
Martha-Helene Stapleton - Del Ray Needs- a video project
Inkutatash Teferi - Parents Supporting Parents
Tara Wilson - Unify Youth: at-risk youth forum at Charles Houston Rec Center
Suad Al Halabi - No Family Left Behind Increase families' understanding of SOLs at Polk School
Mario Avalos - Good Grades for a Group of Students Increase number of minority teens enrolled in AP or honors courses through a mentorship program
Myra Compton-Jabati - Membership has its Privileges Increase John Adams PTA membership
Maryann Duffy - Polk PTA Net Connect Increase flow of information to Polk PTA members
Tanya Duggins - Advocate for a Child (Court Appointed Special Advocates) Serve as and recruit Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for children
Taheensa Hamid - Recycle and the Environment Promote recycling within neighboring apartment complexes
Joyce Jefferson - Hip Hop N U (After School Activity) Organize a hip hop dance club as an after-school activity
Bob Lanier, Jr. - Menpower Harnessing the Power of Men for Mentoring
Sofia Martel - Preparing Hispanic Teenagers to Become Responsible Parents Facilitate workshops for teens and young adults
Jacky Mukuna - School Bus Safety Ensure students a safe ride to and from school
Jeff Murphy - Rugby GRAD: Growth, Retention and Development of young men
Salman Mussarat - My Study Buddy Pair older students with young ones in need of mentoring
La Rhonda Newman - Fostercare Awareness and Recruitment Recruit foster parents to fill extraordinary gap
Rosa Ortiz - Seamos Conectados Publish and distribute flyers in Spanish to inform Latino parents of community and school activities
Sahr Pombor - Reading with Our Community (ROC): Reading works of African writers Form adult group reading works of African writers to help the community better understand the strings that bind
K. Hope Schutte - Nodal Point Help youth aging out of foster care to achieve secure, productive independence
Laverne Thomas - Not Forgotten Empower young teens through mentoring
Valeria Antelo - ESL Power-Las Vencedores (Winners) School hour extra-curricular club for middle school girls
Norka Antelo - How to help improve the reading levels of ESL Students at GW Middle School
Mariana Luisa Araque - Building a Community of Parent Leaders, One Parent at a Time- web based hub
Leticia Arriaga - Hispanic Parents at MacArthur Meetings to familiarize parents with school rules and children’s needs
Mleate Asmare - Save Ethiopian Children’s Identity Native language program
C. Nathalie Corbin - Welcome Home Brookville Townhomes Welcoming Committee
Celia Estrada - How to Advocate for your Child’s Success in the Alexandria School System
Cassandra Ford - Club W.O.W.- Words Our Weapons Debating club for middle school
Michael Hartwell - Children and Youth Connecting with People with Disabilities and Elderly
Madhavi Hotha - Parent Involvement Increase parental involvement at Ramsey
Caroline Hudert - Marina Kids Klub Network of support for neighbors with children
Karima Ibn El Farouk - Help Immigrants to Integrate
George Kauffer - Safety and Awareness of Alexandria Bike and Walking Trails
Elizabeth Kauffer - Different Cultures=One Community in Alexandria Networking opportunities for Asian American professionals
Rosa Landeros - From Neighbors to Friends Integrating communities through cultural sharing, a program for Mt. Vernon parents
Guadalupe Silva-Krause - Parent Access to Computer Resources Training in and use of computers at T.C. Williams
Doris Stanley - Grandparents Raising Alexandria’s Children Effectively
Nathir Ahmad - TEENS UP Training for teens for employment in the security profession
Marixza Alvarado - Connecting with our community to ensure a better future Neighborhood support group for immigrants
Marilyn Bryant - RTAC Relocating to the Alexandria Community- Relocation guide for new City residents
Bill Campbell - Reconnecting the village Neighborhood newsletter, neighborhood watch, and adopt-a-block (anti-litter) program
Bill Cleveland - Volunteer help for the Montgomery Street Resource Learning Center
Hortensia Corcino - Opportunities are out there Resource of education and training opportunities for immigrant families with young adults aged 16-21 who are not eligible for high school enrollment
Roxana De Lauchu - For building better futures Outreach with the goal of recruitment of volunteers to enhance the Bienvenidos program
Stacey Grigsby - Literacy monitoring program - k-2 Tutoring students who need extra help
Tigist Heiba - Summer program for children in the mosque
Kimberly Neill - Neighbors helping neighbors Collection of recyclable household goods, toys and clothing for donation to local charities
Claritza (Cathy) Santiago - Learning Is Personal Success (LIPS) Reading tutoring program for Hammond 8th graders (Cathy Santiago was an ACPS Partners in Education Award Winner)
Claudia Spencer - Hispanic parents come together Hispanic parents support group for sharing of educational and other services available in the city
Gloria Spottswood - National Single Parents' Network -Alexandria Day of programs to support single parent families
Shana Terry - What do you want to do when you graduate from high school? Workshops for teens to attend presentations on career choices at the Family Resource Learning Center
Jeneen Tilghman - A voice for teens Workshop for teenage girls on safe sex