Ella Baker: Bigger Than a Hamburger, SNCC Digital Gateway Project, Duke University https://vimeo.com/268463422
Join Us for a Civic Engagement Field Trip! to the SNCC & GRASSROOTS ORGANIZING DISCUSSION SERIES
April 26-27, 2024: Howard University (Washington, D.C.) Featuring SNCC veterans, Courtland Cox and Jennifer Lawson, & humanities scholars, Catherine Adams and Hasan Kwame Jeffries
The heart and purpose of PLTI Alexandria People’s Assembly is civic engagement. Did you know the orginal 20 week PLTI program is an iteration of the Freedom Schools, first developed by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) during the 1964 Freedom Summer in Mississippi?
The SNCC and Grassroots Organizing: Building a More Perfect Union discussion series focuses on SNCC’s grassroots community organizing and its relevance to ongoing efforts to build a more just, inclusive, and sustainable society. At its core, SNCC helped community members feel empowered to make choices and act on the issues that most impacted their lives and their communities.
FRIDAY APR 26th, 7:00 pm Black Power Roundtable Discussion (In Person or Livestream)
SATURDAY APR 27th 10:00 am Art & Culture Roundtable Discussion & Workshop
SATURDAY APR 27th 1:00 pm Black Power Learning Toolkit Workshop
The Alexandria People’s Assembly is looking for 20 people who live, work, or have family roots in Alexandria, or Northern Virginia to meet us at this SNCC workshop event. All PLTI Alumni are encouraged to join us! Bring your high school students with you.
Come learn more about SNCC’s organizing work from SNCC veterans and humanities scholars and to explore connections to your life and community. The series is focused on six themes that are at the heart of SNCC’s history of grassroots organizing: the organizing tradition, voting rights, Black Power, women and gender, freedom teaching, and art and culture in movement building.